Business Dynamism in India

How business leaders are turning risks into opportunity.

Executive Summary

As Albert Einstein said, "In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity". Business leaders who realise this are able to see beyond the acute phase of an economic downturn and deliver higher shareholder value by exploiting the emerging dynamics in an economy. Paying attention to the trends in business formation is particularly relevant during times like these as it can help businesses identify areas for investment and strategic partnerships. The COVID-19 pandemic has had its own idiosyncrasies and the implications for businesses have been varied. This whitepaper seeks to bring to the surface the trends in business dynamism in India over the last couple of months. In particular, we address:

  1. Which sectors have seen the most activity in terms of new business registrations?
  2. Which sectors are struggling to attract new business?
  3. Are more businesses being registered in emerging cities?

We hope this whitepaper will be a valuable tool in the hands of business leaders in reorienting their organisations’ goals and priorities, and in turning risks into opportunity.

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