India’s Top 500 Companies 2022

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2022 140 India’s Premier 200 Unlisted Companies Additional Listings This section features two additional listings that have been included to showcase the contribution of companies that do not form a part of the universe of Top 500 Companies, but whose contribution to the Indian economy are nonetheless quite significant. The first of these two listings is India’s Premier 200 Unlisted Companies , which recognises the contribution of large unlisted corporates to the economy. Accordingly, Dun & Bradstreet has identified India’s leading 200 unlisted companies on the basis of the standalone total income for FY21. In the second listing, titled The Next 100 , Dun & Bradstreet has compiled a list of 100 companies that immediately follow the Top 500 ranked companies. This list of 100 companies have been compiled purely on the basis of their standalone total income during FY21. They have not been subjected to any further refining or exclusion criteria as mentioned in the ‘Methodology’ section of this publication. Dun & Bradstreet wishes to clarify that the companies featuring in these two listings do not form part of this year’s universe of Top 500 Companies. Dun & Bradstr et